An all-in-one solution to all your
online privacy woes.
Discover how PurePrivacy empowers you to take charge of your online privacy.

Discover how PurePrivacy empowers you to take charge of your online privacy.
Companies track people’s online activities to
advertise more effectively. Ever googled symptoms
of an illness, only to see ads for medicines for that
particular illness on Facebook? This is an example
of how your data is used for marketing purposes,
most likely without your knowledge.
Being easily discoverable online without your
consent is not only annoying, but it can also be
dangerous. If strangers get hold of your email or
phone number, they can easily find your social
media accounts. Your personal data readily
available for everyone to see and interact with also
leaves you vulnerable to cyberattacks, such as
phishing and identity theft.
Several studies show that social media is
connected to deteriorating mental health. This can
be caused by increased screen times, constant
comparisons which leads to unattainable goals,
and cyberbullying. Preserve your peace by limiting
who you let into your digital space.
You may have evolved personally and
professionally, but social media keeps all the
receipts from the past. You can save yourself time
and from potential embarrassment by deleting
some of your old posts, all from one location.
01 – Download app & sign up
02 – Connect social account
03 – Get privacy recommendations
An average social media user has at least 6 accounts on
different platforms. Managing their settings can be time
consuming and inconvenient. PurePrivacy is a fuss-free
solution that helps you secure your privacy and data on
different platforms from one location.
Privacy settings on social media are complex and hidden deep
within the platform. PurePrivacy recommends settings based
on how vulnerable your privacy settings make you so you can
make informed decisions on what you are willing to share
Social media platforms and third parties often track your
personal details and online habits for marketing purposes.
PurePrivacy shows you how your data is being stored or
shared, and how to put a stop to it.
PurePrivacy takes your data and privacy seriously and will
never see or save your login details or information. With
PurePrivacy, all you have to do is connect your account and
choose the level of security you want. We will never use your
data, share, or even see it.