SalesIntel Opt Out: Personal Information Removal Guide 2025

  • By Muhid Suleman

    Muhid Suleman

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    Muhid Suleman, An expert writer from Pureprivacy's content team, Dedicate to make data privacy simple and accessible for you. Muhid, Our Content Wizard, weaves tales about online privacy using simple and user friendly procedures. He firmly believes that online privacy is your right and a big deal in the digital jungle.

    See author profile
  • 12 February 2024
  • 11 mins read

Over 100 million Americans were impacted by 442 data breaches in the first quarter of 2023. You should protect your data at all costs to avoid the consequences of data compromises, such as identity theft and scams. 

We created this SalesIntel opt-out guide to help you remove your data from this platform and protect your digital privacy.

Key Takeaways

  • SalesIntel is a data broker providing business-to-business (B2B) contact and corporate information.
  • SalesIntel collects a significant amount of information about you from different places in order to offer its services.
  • You should ensure that your data gets removed from the SalesIntel's database, as this is important in protecting your digital identity.
  • You may opt out of SalesIntel through its website or by using PurePrivacy to have it done for you automatically.
  • The digital solution - PurePrivacy, can help with the opt-out and is additionally equipped with privacy features.

What Is SalesIntel?

Salesintel is the crude oil of targeted ad-driven growth in the high-speed, dynamic world of B2B, where one handshake has huge stakes. 

SalesIntel Research Inc. enables organizations to produce leads, enhancing their sales while formulating excellent marketing ideas. As a for-profit company, SalesIntel claims to be a credible source of intel.

Underneath all its operations lies your personal information. Data brokers like SaleIntel cannot function without your data. Sadly, these guys don't even care if it falls into the wrong hands. As such, opting out is a must, not an option. 

How SalesIntel Collects Your Personal Information

A single source of information is not enough for entities like SalesIntel; they rely on many sources, including:

Analytic Providers

Scrutinization and manipulation of big data are the primary functions of analytic providers. SalesIntel works together with analytical service providers to get precise data on you.

Public Sources

SalesIntel collects your data from public resources like government files, directories, publications, online media, and others. This, in turn, provides it with an extensive data bank for its clients. 

Social Media

Data brokers often use social media platforms to amass our personal information. Job titles, areas of interest, names, and addresses are some of the data they get from this medium.

Third Parties

Some third-party companies, like data sellers, can offer data or facts to SalesIntel on a contractual basis. This will enable it to collect and bundle data from multiple sources for the purpose of marketing, research, and many more.

Automated Data Crawling

Websites and public directories are scanned for data using automated bots and algorithms.

API Integrations

SalesIntel works through particular websites or channels of communication with the aid of APIs.

How SalesIntel Uses Your Personal Information

SalesIntel utilizes any personal information that it collects for different objectives, including: 

  • Lead Generation: All accumulated data is analyzed and processed to help companies with lead generation.
  • Performance Evaluation: In addition, SalesIntel collects information to evaluate the efficacy and utilization of its services.
  • Sales Outreach: SalesIntel has been providing information for partnering sales teams that use this data to establish contacts with the target business entities.
  • Targeted Marketing: Ever wondered why you see personalized ads online? Yeah! Your personal data led to it. 
  • Market Research: Market research is another thing this company does with your data. It further helps to get more insights into sectors, industries, or certain regions.

Why Is Opting Out of SalesIntel Important?

Opting out of SalesIntel has many great benefits, such as:

  • It prevents the misuse and abuse of your personal information. 
  • Scammers and identity thieves can no longer access your data on this platform. 
  • You will not be affected by data breaches on this platform. 
  • You will experience fewer targeted ads. 
  • SalesIntel can no longer sell or share your data with its partners.

Take Control of Your Data: SalesIntel Opt-Out Methods

To assist in managing your online privacy and reducing misuse of your personal information online, consider opting out of SalesIntel. You have two available options to help in realizing this as follows:

  • SalesIntel manual opt-out method.
  • Opting out automatically using PurePrivacy.

Method 1: The Basic SalesIntel Opt-Out Procedure (manual).

SalesIntel's website provides you with the right to remove your personal information. This is a step-by-step guide to opting out of SalesIntel.

Step 1: Go to the official web page.

  • Head over to the official website of SalesIntel.
SalesIntel Homepage

Step 2:  Start the opt-out process.

  • Get to the footer of the webpage and click on "Opt Out" among the options.
Navigae to Sales Intel Opt Out Page

Step 3: Provide your information.

  • Fill out your first name, last name, and email.
  • Select the "Delete/Do Not Sell My Data" in the "Request Type" drop-down menu options.
  • Hit the "Submit" button to submit your removal request.
SalesIntel Opt Out Form

SalesIntel will get in touch with you about the request within 7 business days.

SalesIntel Opt Out Request Sent

Method 2: Opt Out of SalesIntel Automatically with PurePrivacy

Screenshot of PurePrivacy's homepage

PurePrivacy, a digital solution tool, offers you an effective alternative way of opting out of SalesIntel and over 130 other data brokers. Thus helping you manage your online presence.

PurePrivacy simplifies the opt-out of SalesIntel's procedure. Hence, it eliminates the need for a manual opt-out method. PurePrivacy helps you to: 

Request the Removal of Your Information

With your consent, PurePrivacy will request that SalesIntel and over 130 other data brokers remove your personal information. You can give this consent with just a click.

Take Control of Your Privacy

PurePrivacy helps you identify and delete your personal information from data brokers' platforms. Thus protecting you from companies that collect and sell data.

Make Sound Privacy Decisions

By detecting vulnerabilities, PurePrivacy assists you in simplifying your social media privacy settings. It gives you personalized recommendations and allows you to make sound decisions about sharing information.

Steps to Opt-Out Using PurePrivacy

1. Visit the PurePrivacy homepage or launch the app.

2. Create your profile (free or premium plan).

Screenshot of the signup screens of PurePrivacy app

3. Remove your past data.

Screenshot of number of data removal requests sent from the PurePrivacy app to the data brokers

4. Connect your accounts.

Screenshot of the social media channels included in the Social Privacy Manager feature on PurePrivacy

5. Block Trackers.

Screenshot of Tracker Blocker feature on PurePrivacy app

6. Know who is tracking you.

Screenshot of the progress screen for the data broker

7. Choose a security that fits your needs.

Screenshot of the level of security option provided by PurePrivacy

8. Protect your profiles.

9. Stay updated and secure!

Manual Opt-Out Vs. PurePrivacy

  • Require your maximum input
  • You do not have direct control
  • Typically involves your input
  • Success is not guaranteed
  • The opt-out process can be detailed
  • Automatically protects your privacy and removes your data
  • Monitors data brokers until they remove your data
  • Does not require your input, just your consent
  • Provides social media privacy and security
  • Just works in a single click

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Why should I be concerned about my information on SalesIntel?


    SalesIntel collects your personal information through a wide range of sources. This information may be misused if it falls into the wrong hands. Therefore, you should be concerned about your information on its database.

  • How can I remove my information from SalesIntel?


    You can remove your personal information from SalesIntel either manually or automatically. The manual process comprises going to its main website, completing the opt-out form, and submitting it. There is a better way of doing this automatically with the PurePrivacy platform.

  • Plus

    For an efficient opt-out procedure, use the PurePrivacy approach. In addition, PurePrivacy gives you some other features to ensure your online presence remains secure.

  • Can SalesIntel's opt-out process be done anonymously?


    On its part, SalesIntel's website requires one to provide it with personal information when opting out, so it does not appear that it can be done anonymously.

  • What information is required to initiate the opt-out process on SalesIntel's website?


    You’ll be required to provide your first name, last name, and email to initiate the opt-out process on SalesIntel's website.

Simplify your online presence with PurePrivacy

With PurePrivacy, make sure all your personal data remains safe without a hassle!

Your Privacy Matters

Data privacy and safety are not guaranteed on SalesIntel. Leaving your data on the platforms puts you at risk of being scammed or impersonated. With PurePrivacy, you can remove your data from SalesIntel and all other data brokers. PurePrivacy will help protect your data and digital privacy and provide you with a better browsing experience.

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