Verizon's Custom Experience program was launched in 2022.
Users of Verizon are now automatically registered in an information-gathering program that tracks things like websites visited and mobile app use.
The telecom provider has a two-tiered tracking program, with every user being automatically enrolled in the first level, as was recently revealed by Input.
Verizon’s Custom Experience and Custom Experience Plus programs are a rebranding of Verizon Selects, introduced in 2012 to help advertisers target smartphone customers more precisely.
Although users might choose to participate in Verizon Selects, you had to choose not to participate actively in Verizon’s Custom Experience.
As a result, you have every right to be suspicious and worried, as Verizon Custom Experience must manually opt-out if you don't want to be tracked.
Check out the guidance below to learn the Verizon Custom Experience opt-out process. This allows you to erase your customer information from this site.
Verizon’s Custom Experience is a rebranding/spinoff of Verizon Selects, which consumers were automatically registered in when they used the Verizon Up loyalty program.
Verizon Selects is being rebranded as Custom Experience Plus (and anyone previously a member of Verizon Selects will be automatically transferred to the new Plus program).
The Custom Experience program is being branched off, allowing the company to track the data use of many customers who do not actively opt-out.
Verizon's Custom Experience program collects data including:
Verizon's Custom Experience program uses the collected data to include:
For some reason, opting out of Verizon's Custom Experience program is important.
The program tracks users' app and online browsing activities, including the websites and applications they use. It gathers detailed information for those who enroll in the Custom Experience Plus program.
Opting out of the program can assist in preserving consumers' privacy by preventing their information from being used for targeted advertising or other uses.
All Verizon Wireless customers are automatically enrolled in the Custom Experience program, so if they do not want to be tracked, they must opt out manually.
The program gathers extensive client information, such as device location and Verizon Fios service information.
Opting out of the program allows users to understand better how their data is used and increases transparency in data-gathering procedures.
To opt out of Verizon's Custom Experience program, complete these steps:
Step 1: Open a web browser and log into your Verizon account.
Step 2: Go to your account settings on
Step 3: Navigate to Privacy Settings and find the Custom Experience section on the web.
Step 4: In the Custom Experience section on a Verizon account’s Privacy Preferences page, select “Don’t Use” in the Custom Experience to opt-out.
Step 1: Log into your Verizon account through the My Verizon mobile app.
Step 2: Go to your account settings on the My Verizon app.
Step 3: For the mobile app, click the gear icon in the upper right corner and go to Manage privacy settings.
Step 4: On the privacy preferences page, toggle off Custom Experience and Custom Experience Plus
Step 5: Tap on Identity Verification Settings.
Step 6: To remove yourself from the Identity Verification program, toggle the slider to the left on mobile.
Call 866-211-0874 and follow the prompts. Press 2 for opt-out
Call 866-211-0874 and follow the prompts. Press 2 for opt-out
PurePrivacy is an all-in-one package for protecting your online presence and privacy. It provides internet security so no unauthorized person can access your emails, steal your data, or pretend to be you online.
A free version of the service is available, and no credit card is needed. It is intended to serve as a comprehensive tool that allows people to manage their online privacy and make wise choices regarding their digital footprint.
Instead of manually opting out of every data broker, consider using PurePrivacy to send recurring opt out requests to multiple sites. You can not only save time, but track every opt out request easily. Plus, PurePrivacy helps you remove personal data from 90+ data broker websites with a few taps on your screen.
After opting out of Verizon's Custom Experience programs, you may not receive specific notifications or emails confirming your opt-out.
However, the opt-out process should stop Verizon from using the web browsing, app usage, and location information it used before your opt-out of the programs.
Verizon collects personal data from various sources, including customers, employees, applicants, end users, suppliers, website visitors, and application users.
Custom Experience uses information about the websites you visit and the apps you use on your mobile device, including usage patterns within this information, to help us determine interests, preferences, and insights.
Chief Executive Officer Hans Vestberg About Verizon.
When you opt out of Verizon's Custom Experience program's marketing operations and request to stop tracking you or remove the data, you exercise your legal rights against huge organizations and enterprises.
The Internet is a dangerous place to visit. Shady platforms could harm you by taking advantage of your information against you. This abuse has the potential to cause you significant harm.
As a result, you must get all of your personal information removed from data broker websites like Verizon's Custom Experience program. Opt-out is the best way to get rid of this.